Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wisdom from the Woods

This January I found the musical Into the Woods, and immediately fell in love with it. There are little phrases of wisdom throughout the play. I thought that I would share some of it:

"Some times the things that you wish for are not to be touched"- Page 40 Lapine

By the ripe old age of twenty-four, I have learned that the things that I most wish for are not really what I always need. By never touching them, I have avoided disaster.

"The mouth of a wolf's not the end of the world" -Page 41 Lapine

I have learned that experiencing the things that you fear the most, is not the end of the world. People amaze me because of their resilience. This sounds really cheesy but, I believe that most of life's important lessons are learned in the wolf's mouth (such as the significance of dental hygiene).

"So then which do you pick where you are safe, out of sight, and yourself, but where everything is wrong? Or where everything is right and you know you will never belong?" - Page 63 Lapine

We make choices every day. Some are more difficult then others. That's the beauty of life.

Lapine, S.S. (1987). In to the Woods. New York: Theater Communications Group.

1 comment:

Elen said...

Annie, I love you and I've loved all the blog posts!!! You are great and you are such a better person than I am to have a formal citation. Hope you are having a wonderful time in Germany.